<p>Sole laying and pressing for footwear industry is being published at a time when leather and footwearndustry in india is attracting attention towards it, not only from</p><p>th…
This manual under "Swayam Siddha" series namely, The skill of Taping, Reinforcing and Perforating for footwear industry is being publised at a time when Leather and Footwear indus…
The skill of corder flat bed sewing machine for footwear anf leather industry is being publised at a time when leather and footwear industry in india is attracting attention towords it, not only fr…
Is being published at a time when leather and footwear industry in india is attracting attention towards it, not only from the indian entrepreneurs but also from the overseas importers and investors.
This for Footwear is being published at a time when leather and footwear industry in india is attracting attention towards it not only from the indian entrepreneurs but also from the over…
For footwear is being published at a time when leather and footwear industry in india is attracting attention toword it, not only from the indian entepreneurs but also from the overseas importers a…
Last and Upper Preparation..
Leather is ashoe materials..
The Skill Of Sole Splitting..
Leather Sole Unit