World in review;1965;Obituaries;United Tates;National And World Economy;Lively Arts;....
This book is the result of a number of years experience in the compiling and editing of data useful to chemists.In it an effort has been made to select material to meet the needs of chemist who c…
Fuel is the backbone of all a nation's degree of advancement.It is doubtful if there is any single material of supply more widely used by industries, or any general subject of any greater basic imp…
Organic chemistry is the chemistry of the COMPOUNDS OF CARBON;The Misleading name"Organic" is a relic of the days when chemical compounds were divided into two classes,inorganic a…
Aparatus and supplies for industrial,clinical,college and government laboratories....
The stusi of Universe,The Earth,Life,Plant Life,Animal life,Man,Health,.....
Buku ini membhas tentang concep basic dari kimia, konsep dasar kimia fisika, basic concept from equilibrium chemistry, konsep dasar kimia organik dll. Buku ini terdiri dari 34 bab diserta…
Teknik Pelarutan dan Pengenceran, Pembuatan Larutan Pereaksi, Pembuatan Larytan Indikator,dll...