The pleasure in placing this nanual on the skill of toe puff conditioning toe &forepart pulling &lasting in the "Swayam Siddha" series before the footwear industry.
Oils, natural oils, Syntans and auxiliaries, Degreasing/Scouring Agents,...(Resep2...)
The foowear designer should be able to not only create selling styles but he should ensure that the original idea is correctly translated into sample pattern and, ultimately bulk,footwear.
The basic reason for this low profile are lack of modern footwear manufacturing technology and poor quality,setting off the advantage of raw material, skill and low wage costs.
Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan pusdiklat pegawai deperindag dalam pengembangan sistim penyelengaraan dilat teknis subtansi industri dan perdagangan.
Model-model Sepatu..
Chemistry, Manufacture..
Setiap Perusahaan yang ingin berdiri kokoh dan mengetahui dengan jelas ke arah mana tujuan yang ingin dicapainya, sangat memerlukan adanya dasar pikiran untuk perjalannya. ...
Project Ins 78/001, Improvement of Extension Service at the Leather Research Institute,....
With this book we wish to offer a guide to the rising generation of designers and pattern makers and to aid them technically in grading series of patterns....