<p>Prinsip-prinsip dasar;Penggerak Mula Industri; kebanyakan proses industri menuntut pemindahan obyek atau bahan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, atau membutuhkan gaya untuk menahan,membentu…
This formulary is an aid the succesful use of natural rubber in a wide range of lustrial applications: it contains some 300 dry rubber and 80 latex formulations.Some difocations to these formulatio…
A Book for the technologist and user of rubber products, giving a comprehensive account of natural and synthetic rubbers, their many uses, and the machinery, ingredients and methods employed in man…
<p>Modul ini beisikan 6 Bab :</p><p>BabI : Pendahuluan , Bab II : Persiapan pelaksanaan, Bab III: Pelaksanaan diklat, Bab IV: Kurikulum silabus , Bab V : Evaluasi dan pelaporan, B…
<p>Modul ini berisikan 3 Bab : </p><p> Bab I : Finishing ( Pengecatan tutup ). Bab II : Komponen finishing, BabIII : Formula Finesinf, Daftar pustaka. </p>
Jika mulai dirasakan bahwa leberalisasi perdagangan dunia ini juga mulai memasukkan sektor jasa, seperti perbankan, keuangan,konstruksi,telekomunikasi, pelayanan media massa dan jasa profesional la…
The theory of plasticity is the branch of mechanics that deals with the calculation of stresses and strains in a body, made of ductile material, permanently deformed by a set of applied forces. The…
Introduction: Lits the properties of materials which are influenced by fillers,List typical properties of fillers,Provides definition of the term"filler"....