Recent years have seen the rapid development of adhesive bonding as an economic and effective method for the fabrication of components and assemblies....
Plasticicers are by far the most common additives.They are also Expensive than other additives used in the polymers processing and applications. ....
This book has its origin in a proposal made a few years ago that I should collaborate with Dr.H.j.Stern in the production of a third edition of his well-known text-book entitled Rubber : Natural an…
Sebelum membuat kerajinan dari kain perca, siswa akan dikenalkan dengan bermacam-macam tusuk dasar. Macam-macam tusuk dasar itu adalah sebagai berikut; Tusuk jelujur,Tusuk Tikam Jejeak, Tusuk Festo…
The raw material is studied in its normal state and as affected by disease in the living animal.The influence on the microstructure of putrefaction and other changes is examined and recorded. ....
<p>Buku ini berisikan 4 Bab:</p><p>Bab i: Pendahuluan. Bab II: Teknik pembuatan pola rompi.Bab II I : Teknik pembuatan pola rok. Bab IV : Teknik Pembuatan pola jas. Bab …
<p>Dal am buku petunjuk praktikum ini ada 12 pengujian :</p><p>Pengujian 1: Reduksi. P.2 : Total logam berat termigasi dengan simulan asam asetat. P.3 : Titik leleh dan indek laju…
<p>Modul ini berisikan VII Bab :</p><p>Bab I: Pengantar teknik menjahit. Bab II : Jenis mesin jahit.Bab III: Macam - macam jenis jahitan; Bab IV: Pengantar dan pengawasa…
<p>Buku peganganpraktek berisikan 3 Bab :</p><p> Bab I : Uji pengenalan/Identifikasi cat dasar. Bab II Aplikasi pewarnaan dasar. Bab III : Pengujian ketahan cat…
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