Is being publishedat a time when leather and Footwear industry in india is attracting attention towards it,not only from the indian entrepreneurs but also from the overseas importers and investors....
Shoes Factory lay-out...
Is being published at a time when leather and footwear industry in india is attracting attention towards, it, not only from the indian entrepreneuers but also from the overseas importers and invest…
Defenisi, Domain dan Dinamika, Perencanaan dan Pemasaran, Analisis Pasar..
Diese Broschure vermittelt einen uberblik uber die Chemikalein der SANDOZ AG fur den Einsatz in der Lederindustrie....
Shoes Standardisation of Inspection Methods...
is being published at a time when leather and footwear industry in india is attracting attention towards it, not only from the indian entrepreneurs but also from the overseas importers and investor…
The pleasure in placing this nanual on the skill of toe puff conditioning toe &forepart pulling &lasting in the "Swayam Siddha" series before the footwear industry.
Oils, natural oils, Syntans and auxiliaries, Degreasing/Scouring Agents,...(Resep2...)
The foowear designer should be able to not only create selling styles but he should ensure that the original idea is correctly translated into sample pattern and, ultimately bulk,footwear.