Industri Kulit
Teknik Pembuatan Pola dan Perubahan Model Pakaian Wanita dan Pria
Berbagai Model Tas..
Leather Tanery,etc..
Production Bovine Wet Blue..
Prinsip2 Kesehatan, Penyakit Jantung, Kanker, Arteri Tersumbat, Makanan Sehat..
Konsep dan DefenisiToxicitu Plastik dan Karet,tc..
Is being published a time when Leather and Footwear industry in india is attracting attention towards it,not only from the indian entrepreneurs but also from the overseas importters and investors. ...
E' meglio che mi presenti subito: sono Cenerentola, quella della fiaba, la Rodope di Eliano, la Zazzulla di Basile, ....