Requirements Common to All Types of Shoe Construction,....
Sejarah Kebutuhan industri semen di Indonesia..
Shoe repairing is an old and honored trade. It is a Profitable trade, and can be learned readily.Patience,alertness, neatness, and common sense are the main qulifications....
Defenisi dan Aza-Azas, Persamaan2 Dasar..
That part of humanity which, through tradition or necessity, has been wearing a protective or decorative covering on its feet has been fortunate to have nature supply an almost perfect material. ....
Teori Dasar Bahan Perekat, Cara Memilih Bahan Untuk Perekat..
Leather made from the hides and skins of mammals and reptiles has dominated the craft of shoemaking through the ages. Tobe sure, other materials,....
Umum, Sekolah, Akademi/Perguruan Tinggi